The happy animals who you can't help smiling at

These comical creatures are clearly up for a laugh in these sidesplitting images which show a variety of ecstatic animals enjoying a good old chuckle.

The amusing snaps, taken by a whole host of photographers from around the globe, prove life in the jungle is most definitely jolly, as creatures from an orangutan to a elephant seal are pictured mid-laugh.

A cheery chimpanzee can be seen sporting a toothy grin as he enjoys life at Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage in Zambia.

And a pot-bellied pig is clearly tickled pink at his home in Lower Saxony, Germany.

In another image an Icelandic horse appears to crack up when he spots a photographer's camera, while a chuckling cheetah creases up in Kenya.

Even the animal kingdom's most fearsome beasts such as the Cheetah are snapped having a laugh.

The toothy grins of a donkey and a horse provide an amusing photo as does a fox which looks positively joyous.

Source : dailymail


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