Rats nibble at paralysed patient in govt hospital

Jodhpur: An elderly paralysed man, who was on ventilator support, has been seriously injured after allegedly being nibbled at by rats at a government hospital here.

The 70-year-old man was found seriously injured yesterday morning by his family members at the Mathura Das Mathur hospital with his ears, lips, nose bitten allegedly by rats. However, hospital authorities have not confirmed that the man was injured in rat attack. It was brought to our notice by a patient's attendant.

He has received injuries on lips, nose and eyebrows, Dr Arvind Mathur, Superintendent of Mathura Das Mathur government hospital said today. "We have constituted a three-member committee today to look into the matter and ascertain the causes of the injuries the man received. Anything conclusive would be said once the inquiry is over," he said.

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