University student gets picked up from school by helicopter

Was it an extravagant act to impress a date? Or a father taking his injured daughter home? Whatever the case is, this clip has got netizens buzzing.

Students in a university in China were stunned to see a helicopter landing in the middle of the school field.

A female student was seen getting in to the aircraft shortly after.

According to Taobao News, the incident happened last Saturday afternoon at about 3.40pm.

It is the video that has got netizens in China talking, garnering over one million views after it was uploaded yesterday.

Was it a student 'showing off' his wealth on an extravagant date, a wealthy father picking up her daughter, or worse, someone misusing company property for personal use?

The three-minute clip shows a small red helicopter landing in the field of a university of Dezhou, China, sending a swirling cloud of sand and dust in to the air.

The pilot of the aircraft is seen emerging, while a crowd of curious students gathered around.

Soon after, a girl, reportedly an undergraduate at the university, climbed in, and the aircraft took off.

Originally uploaded on China's video-sharing site, YouKu, it was titled "Wealthy second-generation flies aircraft to pick up girlfriend, stuns students".

"Wealthy second-generation" or "rich second-generation" refers to Chinese youth...

who are the children of rich parents.

The story, picked up by wesbite ChinaSmack, has garnered a flurry of comments, with netizens is alleging that the man had used his personal helicopter to pick up his date from school.

Some also held this as a startling example of the privileges that children of wealthy parents enjoy, while others joked that this is how wealthy men in China pick up their schoolgirl mistresses.

But netizens have also speculated that it could be a father picking up his daughter from school, as the plane bears the logo of the Shandong broadcast station, and is not a private aircraft as originally thought.

Moreover, the girl appears to have difficulty walking, making the second hypothesis seem more reasonable.

But could the man in this case be in trouble for misusing company property then?

Reporters interviewed a representative from the Shandong broadcast station, who acknowledged that the company did have a few helicopters in its possession which were emblazoned with the station's logo.

But he said they were on a rental basis and have since been returned.

'This incident has nothing to do with our company', said the spokesperson.

Reporters were unable to get a hold of the female student, nor the pilot of the aircraft.



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